

The secretariat is available from 09h00 to 18h30 for all requests and appointments (closed Saturday afternoon and Sunday) on +32(2)538.72.90 (4 lines).

Patients who have recently visited the practice and wish to ask a question about their treatment can contact a secretary during the consultation by telephone or e-mail. The attending physician will respond at the end of the consultation (after 19h) after having read the question and on the basis of the file.

For 1st time patients, a written report is sent to the attending physician. Other reports follow depending on the pathology.

For patients leaving Belgium, their correspondent in the country they are going to is contacted and the report is sent to him/her (or given to the patient).

The secretariat is welcoming and takes care of the administrative formalities.

The Lowy Medical Centre is not covered by a convention. Certain advanced or comfort treatments are not taken into consideration by the Belgian Mutual Insurance Company, nor are they reimbursed. As they are not codified, they must be explained and discussed during the consultation, which remains essential (given the indications and possible contraindications) and which is charged at €110, payable by bank transfer or by any credit card or in cash at the practice.

The waiting room is air-conditioned and there are many (recent) magazines to make your possible wait as pleasant as possible. A fresh water fountain is at your disposal.

For patients with appointments for UVA, UVB or L.E.D. treatments: their cabin is reserved for them. A car park is available at 20 rue Félix Delhasse

A rest room is available to allow you to wait for certain treatments (skin anaesthesia) or to rest after a Dermatosurgery procedure (classic or laser).

The secretaries will fix a possible next appointment for you, which they will remind you of a few days in advance if it is quite far away. They can, at your request, call a taxi.

Business hours

Monday > Friday : 9h00 – 18h30
Saturday: 9h00 – 13h00